What is the Weekly AniChat?
Well, every now and then, hopefully once every week, a few of the staff members--as little as two--will get together and talk about the latest anime news. We decide on a topic, and we will have a discussion about it, it's sort of like an interview. Once we get done chatting, I, Sanosuke, will put it up in this section, the weekly anichat.

Sailor Scouts in bikinis? Mmmm!

Lord Rae's new Rurouni Kenshin AMV is just beautiful. Check out our review!

Naru--Mighty Damn Fine!

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Weekly AniChat
The Staff

Message Board

Welcome to the grand opening of the brand new site entitled "Anime Fate." We have a great site here, planned on anime and manga editorials and the like. Feel free to check out the editorials by clicking the "Read More" button, there!
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