Media Blasters Gets Berserk
Note: Sanosuke is fookinferret; Deus is MsoftCEO

fookinferret: Hey, so what exactly do you think about Media Blasters getting Berserk?
MsoftCEO: it's good
fookinferret: eh, why is it good? EXPLANANATIONS PLEAESE!!11
MsoftCEO: the kenshin discs have been well done recently, and they are on a quick release schedule (1 disc a month, or more)
MsoftCEO: i can assume the same will be done for berserk
fookinferret: Yeah, but, was Kenshin's dub perfect?
MsoftCEO: well, to be honest i could give a rat's ass about the dub
fookinferret: hehe
MsoftCEO: but supposedly it isn't bad
fookinferret: well, my daddy likes to watch dubs
fookinferret: But they took out the oro's
fookinferret: one time I was watching it and they subtitled it in... beh..
fookinferret: but only one time
MsoftCEO: there aren't any oro's in berserk though, heh
fookinferret: so, do you plan on buying it at all, then?
fookinferret: I mean, since you've already seen it fansubbed, right?
MsoftCEO: yes, of course, all i have now is crappy quality digital fansubs
fookinferret: Yeah, I think I'll probably get the first tape
fookinferret: tape... sigh..
MsoftCEO: you don't have a DVD player?
fookinferret: Pfeh, who needs them, that's what I say. Eh...
MsoftCEO: well, you like subs, you dad likes dubs
MsoftCEO: there's on reason
MsoftCEO: *one
fookinferret: Yeah, but I don't have any money, lol
fookinferret: and neither does my dad
fookinferret: and my mom doesn't watch movies much and wouldn't just buy it for me, heh..
fookinferret: So you're pretty hyped about the Berserk release?
MsoftCEO: i suppose, yeah
fookinferret: Hehe, same
fookinferret: Well, I supose that's good enough. Talk to ya later.

Sailor Scouts in bikinis? Mmmm!

Lord Rae's new Rurouni Kenshin AMV is just beautiful. Check out our review!

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